vm | JSR 292: Support for dynamically-typed languages (InvokeDynamic) |
Strict class-file checking | |
lang | JSR 334: Small language enhancements (Project Coin) |
core | Upgrade class-loader architecture |
Method to close a URLClassLoader | |
Concurrency and collections updates (jsr166y) | |
i18n | Unicode 6.0 |
Locale enhancement | |
Separate user locale and user-interface locale | |
ionet | JSR 203: More new I/O APIs for the Java platform (NIO.2) |
NIO.2 filesystem provider for zip/jar archives | |
SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) | |
SDP (Sockets Direct Protocol) | |
Use the Windows Vista IPv6 stack | |
TLS 1.2 | |
sec | Elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC) |
jdbc | JDBC 4.1 |
client | XRender pipeline for Java 2D |
Create new platform APIs for 6u10 graphics features | |
Nimbus look-and-feel for Swing | |
Swing JLayer component | |
Gervill sound synthesizer | |
web | Update the XML stack |
mgmt | Enhanced MBeans |