As of release
1.5, the Java platform provides higher-level concurrency utilities that do the
sorts of things you formerly had to hand-code atop wait and notify. Given the
difficulty of using wait and notify correctly, you should use the higher-level
concurrency utilities instead.
higher-level utilities in java.util.concurrent fall into
three categories: the Executor Framework, which was covered only briefly in Item
68; concurrent collections; and synchronizers. Concurrent collections and
synchronizers are covered briefly in this item.
The concurrent
collections provide high-performance concurrent implementations of standard
collection interfaces such as List, Queue, and Map. To provide
high concurrency, these implementations manage their own synchronization internally
(Item 67). Therefore, it is impossible to exclude concurrent activity from a concurrent
collection; locking it will have no effect but to slow the program.
This means
that clients can’t atomically compose method invocations on concurrent
collections. Some of the collection interfaces have therefore been extended
with state-dependent
modify operations, which combine several primitives into a single atomic operation.
For example, ConcurrentMap extends Map and adds several methods, including putIfAbsent(key, value), which inserts a mapping for a
key if none was present and returns the previous value associated with the key,
or null if there was none. This makes it
easy to implement thread-safe canonicalizing maps. For example, this method
simulates the behavior of String.intern:
// Concurrent canonicalizing map atop ConcurrentMap
- not optimal
private static final ConcurrentMap<String, String>
map =
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();
public static String intern(String s) {
String previousValue = map.putIfAbsent(s, s);
return previousValue == null ? s : previousValue;
In fact, you
can do even better. ConcurrentHashMap is optimized
for retrieval operations, such as get. Therefore,
it is worth invoking get initially and calling putIfAbsent only if get
that it is necessary:
// Concurrent canonicalizing map atop ConcurrentMap
- faster!
public static String intern(String s) {
String result = map.get(s);
if (result == null) {
result = map.putIfAbsent(s, s);
if (result == null)
result = s;
return result;
offering excellent concurrency, ConcurrentHashMap
very fast. On my machine the optimized intern
above is over six times faster than String.intern
keep in mind that String.intern must use some
sort of weak reference to keep from leaking memory over time). Unless you have
a compelling reason to do otherwise, use ConcurrentHashMap
preference to Collections.synchronizedMap or Hashtable.
A few more
details bear noting. The executor that is passed to the time method must allow for the creation of at
least as many threads as the given concurrency level, or the test will never
complete. This is known as a thread starvation deadlock [Goetz06
8.1.1]. If a worker thread catches an InterruptedException, it reasserts
the interrupt using the idiom Thread.currentThread().interrupt()
returns from its run method. This allows the executor
to deal with the interrupt as it sees fit, which is as it should be. Finally,
note that System.nanoTime is used to
time the activity rather than System.currentTimeMillis. For interval
timing, always use System.nanoTime in preference to
System.currentTime- Millis. System.nanoTime is both more accurate and more precise, and
it is not affected by adjustments to the system’s real-time clock.
While you
should always use the concurrency utilities in preference to wait and notify, you might
have to maintain legacy code that uses wait
notify. The wait method is used to make a thread wait for some
condition. It must be invoked inside a synchronized region that locks the
object on which it is invoked. Here is
the standard idiom for using the wait
// The standard idiom for using the wait method
synchronized (obj) {
while (<condition does not hold>)
obj.wait(); // (Releases lock, and reacquires on wakeup)
... // Perform action appropriate to condition
Always use the
wait loop idiom to invoke the wait
never invoke it outside of a loop. The loop serves to test the condition before
and after waiting.
Testing the
condition before waiting and skipping the wait if the condition already holds
are necessary to ensure liveness. If the condition already holds and the notify (or notifyAll) method has
already been invoked before a thread waits, there is no guarantee that the
thread will ever wake from the wait.
Testing the
condition after waiting and waiting again if the condition does not hold are
necessary to ensure safety. If the thread proceeds with the action when the
condition does not hold, it can destroy the invariant guarded by the lock. There
are several reasons a thread might wake up when the condition does not hold:
• Another
thread could have obtained the lock and changed the guarded state between the
time a thread invoked notify and the time
the waiting thread woke.
• Another
thread could have invoked notify accidentally
or maliciously when the condition did not hold. Classes expose themselves to
this sort of mischief by waiting on publicly accessible objects. Any wait contained in a synchronized method of a
publicly accessible object is susceptible to this problem.
• The
notifying thread could be overly “generous” in waking waiting threads. For
example, the notifying thread might invoke notifyAll
if only some of the waiting threads have their condition satisfied.
• The waiting thread
could (rarely) wake up in the absence of a notify. This is known as a spurious
wakeup [Posix,; JavaSE6].
In summary,
using wait and notify directly is like programming in “concurrency
assembly language,” as compared to the higher-level language provided by java.util.concurrent. There is seldom,
if ever, a reason to use wait and notify in new code. If you
maintain code that uses wait and notify, make sure that it always invokes wait from within a while
using the standard idiom. The notifyAll method should
generally be used in preference to notify. If notify is used, great care must be taken to ensure
Reference: Effective Java 2nd Edition by Joshua Bloch